Death rates staying flat, likely to drop
According to the CDC reports from March to May, COVID-19 deaths had a sudden spike and then immediately proceeded to drop, and if the drop continues the viral disease will no longer be considered an epidemic according to international standards.
Although infection rates are fluctuating, death rates remain flat and are likely to drop further, which will lead COVID-19 to soon no longer qualify as an epidemic.
This can be found on the Mortality box on the CDC’s web page:
“Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9.0% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26, representing the tenth week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC. The percentage is currently at the epidemic threshold but will likely change as more death certificates are processed, particularly for recent weeks.”
This change from epidemic rates to normalcy could happen as quickly as a few weeks from now.
Since the infection rates of COVID-19 are higher in certain parts of the United States, and the flat rate of deaths remains the same or lower over the last 10 weeks, the information suggests that the improved treatment methods for COVID-19 are working.
According to Just The News, this can also be attributed to the fact that most new infectious cases are in young adults who are very rarely terminal.
In order for the CDC to qualify a disease as an epidemic the illness needs to exceeds a certain percentage of deaths per week.
While many fear a second outbreak of COVID-19, the increase in infection rates and even hospitalizations has done nothing to spike the mortality rate., again largely due to the age of most new infected individuals
The CDC spokesperson says the officially death count across the United States “will likely change as more death certificates are processed, particularly for recent weeks.”
Although diseases such as pneumonia, influenza, and COVID-19 alike, tend to fluctuate in death rates from about 7% in the more infectious times back down to 5% during virally dormant months.
The response to Covid-19 mirrors Communist Chinese brainwashing torture techniques.